miércoles, 11 de enero de 2017

It was spring going on summer - Daniela Bianca Sgró

It was spring going on summer…
Early December
t was spring going on summer when you taught me how to read your lips, with your slow kisses, with your silkily soft touch. Our souls had met through words, before painting the image of our faces in our memories.
Calm as the ocean blue in your eyes yet reckless like waves breaking on the shore. You make me feel love is like a hurricane, like quicksand, you're not on steady ground yet you feel safer than ever before. My iced heart full of snow now is on fire, melting while I feel the electricity of your caress in every pore of my hands.
My eyes took a Polaroid of that beautiful gaze and the moment remained tattooed in my soul. Our faces so close, my rosy freckled cheeks and your beautiful blue stare was like a second encapsulated in time.
Bella ragazza, you are poetry and "you are the casualty with the most beautiful eyes I'd ever seen". I could fathom them forever.
When all of this started, it was spring going on summer…


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